Well, here it is, in all its rendered lego glory, Noah’s ark. Now you may notice a larger cube next to it (sort of a timber borg-cube?). That’s Utnapishtim’s ark which, although shorter, is considerably wider and taller (well, it is cube shaped). The latter also has more than three times the volume, making for…
warp speed now even warpier?
Well, I ventured out and watched the new Star Trek movie. On the whole it was quite enjoyable. But I suspect it has rendered the warp speed calculator obsolete. Was I mistaken, or was there dialogue like this: Kirk: “How long ’til we reach Vulcan?” Chekov: “3 seconds…” Three seconds? It used to take hours…
job 42:3 — too marvellous or too difficult?
In English translations, Job 42:3 is usually rendered as follows: “Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?” Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. The reference to “things too wonderful for me” appears to be a little odd given the context, following…
why is there no marriage in the resurrection?
In Matthew 22:23ff, Jesus reveals to the Sadducees that there is no marriage in the resurrection. Specifically, he says in verse 30: ἐν γὰρ τῇ ἀναστάσει οὔτε γαμοῦσιν οὔτε γαμίζονται, ἀλλ᾿ ὡς ἄγγελοι ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ εἰσιν. For at the time of the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like…
guy leech tripped me
On an unrelated note, a recent report on the benefits (or lack thereof) of running shoes from the Daily Mail is interesting because I have been, for the last year or so, been wearing relatively inexpensive running shoes emblazoned with the signature of the “iron man” Guy Leech. These are, perhaps, the exceptions which may…
online greek and hebrew reader’s bible
John Dyer has created the online Greek and Hebrew Reader’s Bible, and it is rather impressive. For Mac users, change the Hebrew font to something like “Lucida Grande” or “New Peninim MT” and the vowels will appear closer to the correct location. If you want to print it out, copy and paste the text into…
does satan exist?
For some perverse reason I watched (via the internet) some of the “Face-Off” debate from the US ABC network addressing the question “does Satan exist?” I’m sure these things are staged just to annoy me, and it certainly did its job! Particularly annoying was Deepak Chopra. Pretty much whenever he said anything about the Bible…
should english bible translations transliterate God’s name?
Prompted by this discussion at Better Bibles Blog, I think there is one important side to the debate which is often overlooked. First some brief background. I’ve always been somewhat fond of versions which render יהוה by Yahweh or something similar, partly because it makes better sense in many places to actually use a name…
does the Bible mandate corporal punishment in child-rearing?
The book of Proverbs is often used, it would seem, to justify the claim that a true Christian approach to raising children must invariably include the use of corporal punishment (see, for example, Prov 13:24; 22:15; 23:13–14; 29:15). Partly because I keep running into this argument, I thought I’d post a few comments and observations…
another model of herod’s temple?
OK, it’s not really complete. But, as I said, Lego is the way to go here, so here’s a starter for anyone interested, including a Lego Jesus (only one type, unlike the 32 versions available in the model referred to in the previous post). Next is a Lego version of the Tower of Babel for…